Travel offers

Offers for groups

Offers for groups

Here you will find initial offers for group planning. We will also be happy to put together an individual offer for your group trip.

Görlitz for beginners

This is your opportunity to sample the urban life in Görlitz. You can stroll down streets flanked by historic facades or narrow alleys with an architectural history stretching back more than half a millennium. During your visit to St. Peter and Paul's Church you will marvel at the sound of the Sonnenorgel (Sun Organ).

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Christmas Market Görlitz

Once a year, the old town centre of Görliz is transformed into a Silesian Christmas market. Stalls with Christmas decorations, mulled wine, the smell of gingerbread and Advent music will put you in the Christmas spirit. Regional culinary specialities and local arts and crafts are also on offer.

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Picture sources:
"Görlitz for beginners": Sabine Wenzel, "Christmas Market Görlitz": Nikolai Schmidt

© Paul Glaser