Ze Network

"This has never happened before: For the first time, Hollywood star David Hasselhoff is filming a series in Germany, alongside Henry Hübchen. In the black-humoured agent thriller "Ze Network" they play none other than...themselves - produced by Syrreal Entertainment for TVNOW and CBS Studios. In the twist-filled story, the two actors plunge into the centre of an international conspiracy of former Cold War assassins in Germany - triggered by a theatre role."
(Press release Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland)

We are very pleased that the film studio chose Görlitz as the filming location. The series with a total of 8 episodes was shot in the period from August to October 2021. In addition to Görlitz, filming took place in Berlin, Poland, Croatia and Morocco. So be curious. The series will run on RTL+ from 1st of November 2022.

Stadtverwaltung Görlitz
Entry in the Golden Book
Mitteldeutsche Medienfoerderung
Europastadt GmbH
Europastadt GmbH


David Hasselhoff is struggling with himself and finally wants to shine in public again after all these years. An offer from a theatre in Germany comes at just the right time - and from East Berlin at that. Here he meets the German acting star Henry Hübchen, who is to play the second leading role alongside him in the play. But when the supposed scene theatre from East Berlin turns out to be rather a contemplative theatre very far east of Berlin, old star Hasselhoff begins to have more and more doubts about his decision. When he then slips into an international agent conspiracy, the chaos is perfect. What has he got himself into? What the hell does Henry Hübchen have to do with it? And what of it is real?

Trailer: "Ze Network"

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David Hasselhoffs neue Hauptrolle in einem Theaterstück in Deutschland katapultiert ihn ins Zentrum einer internationalen Agenten-Verschwörung. Wo ist er da reingeraten? Und was hat Henry Hübchen damit zu tun

Filming locations

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David Hasselhoff, Henry Hübchen, Lisa-Marie Koroll, Maximilian Mundt, Serkan Kaya, Maike Jüttendonk, Max Befort, Anja Herden und Urs Rechn


Nominated for the 59th Grimme Award in the "Fiction" category

Christian Alvart

Syrreal Entertainment und CBS Studios - Sigi Kamml, Timm Oberwelland

Type of production
tv - Produktion

Deutschland, Polen, u.w.



Shooting period
08-10 2021

No. of shooting days